Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers


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Mooned Out

The fullest Aquarian Moon has out-complexified our lives and calls for more detail to widen our inner view. Constellating asteroids Juno and Ceres, the anti-mother Black Moon Lillith, Venus as personal and cosmic boss and the lunar nodes speak soul in a voice far more nuanced than just Moon and Venus.


end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it NOW

Irrevocable changes to POWER in the mind of the seagoat, sky Capricorn, guardian of civilization and the degrees of western astrology’s Aquarius, empower changes within our solar selves to better conduct neural electricity and mind power. These earth-world changes set the stage for each one of our personal stories; felt closer to home and most personal via inner-seeker Mercury, as he speaks with both Chiron and Ceres on his current ‘fire therapy’ journey of wounded heroes and earthmother sacrifice.

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