end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it NOW
South Skynotes
To get to Buddha’s fat-full Birthday Moon 24APR24, we need to pass through the bang of Jupiter-Uranus coming Saturday night. Considering this past weekend’s skygames have escalated to ICU-level, how does Pluto’s building square to Sun add to this moment of never-before?
Pluto’s ‘birthday’ conjunct Sun happened 20JAN24 @29CAP59’, now first square 21APR24 @ 2*FIXED04’; Aquarius-Taurus, then opposition 23JUL24 as Sun rises @zeroLEO52’ and mature square 22OCT24 @29CARDINAL40’; Capricorn-Libra with next conjunction/birthday 21JAN25 @1AQU42’ sextile northnode on the last degree of Pisces, last minute of the zodiac, ‘end of the world as we know it – and I’m not feeling so fine’.
Irrevocable changes to POWER in the mind of the seagoat, sky Capricorn, guardian of civilization and the degrees of western astrology’s Aquarius, empower changes within our solar selves to better conduct neural electricity and mind power. These earth-world changes set the stage for each one of our personal stories; felt closer to home and most personal via inner-seeker Mercury, as he speaks with both Chiron and Ceres on his current ‘fire therapy’ journey of wounded heroes and earthmother sacrifice.
These 2 soft sub-plots echo BigWar’s insane incentive perfectly, by exposing the impact such mass cruelty and silent ecocide has to our fragile humanity, so many innocents so ruthlessly killed… Ceres, largest and first sighted in 1801, is the same size as Pluto, the ‘dwarf’ of untold projections, yet beneath it all a portal at the magnetic heart of our solar system.
Mercury’s trillium retrograde (like a field of rememberance day red, plastic poppies) is giving us time to rethink everything we thought we knew about our changing selves in this changing world and to share the light/soul essence we have been receiving since Friday 12APRIL24, when Mercury retrograde was dissolved by Sun’s exploding radiance; a dark-light wedding dance or an algorhythm war trance.
20MAR24 @18ARI17’
15APR24 @19ARI48’
7MAY24 @21ARI02’
16MAR24: 12*27’
16APR24: 19*11’
7MAY24: 21*21’
Ceres struggles through SA’s election and SOUTH’s winter to complete the plan of these Mercury days. Only in SOUTH’s Spring between 8OCT and 11NOV24 does yin earth find her voice in all that is at stake. Mercury-Chiron is creative and instinctual, animal, while Mercury-Ceres is the mind of our Earth mother-mistress macrocosm that we sustain and are thereby sustained.
Never before have we reached this point where the only solution we get to every time, is to make peace, but we have no idea how to be peaceful and overcome the imposed, fear-drive aggression relentlessly-triggered. We need to learn all we can about this now and fast. Fire is fast, a blast from the past, another missile unmissed. So too can Fire leap barriers in a flash, sparked when we laugh at ourselves and truly learn from our mistakes.
Your heartfire and mindlight are needed NOW.
Please let’s work it out.
Skynotes for viewing clarity and inner-sky care,
Natasha, COSAPA