Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers


Somerset West & Online


About Ryan Gary Edmonds

Born into a Neo-Pagan home, with roots in Spiritism, Ryan began his esoteric studies early in life. While in high school he was required (by family tradition) to study, under his Wiccan Elders, the mysteries of star lore, herbalism, astrology, divination, magick, and psychic development.

During undergrad Psychology (University of Johannesburg) he continued a more serious study of astrological techniques, which he continues to this day – using these tools to help his clients. Ryan worked for the Department of Social Development, and SADAG, as a suicide counsellor, and Mental Health Journalist, for 8 years.

Trained as a sangoma in rural Mpumalanga, Ryan consults full time, while also training yoga teachers and running international retreats in India and all around SA. He offers services as a healer, counsellor, diviner, speaker, writer and teacher.

Ryan has been aired on over 30 radio stations, 23 television shows, and written for multiple publications including Mens Health, Psychologies, and Sunday Times.

His full bio and qualifications can be found here:

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