Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Deborah-Anne Swanepoel - Cigno Astro


Bellville, Durbanville & Online


Deborah-Anne is a widely and deeply read self-taught Astrologer. Her self-studies include:

About Deborah-Anne Swanepoel - Cigno Astro

Deborah-Anne Swanepoel is an eclectic Astrologer combining modern methods with traditional techniques, who does astrological research and writing, and creative design.
Deborah-Anne is a married wife and motfrer, with a high school and some tertiary education, who is a full-time home caregiver to her two Autistic children, having left behind a 19 year background in admin, commercial property research, and renewable energy, I years ago. (Sabian Symbol: “A rug placed on the floor for children to play on” -Deborah-Anne’s natal Sun.) Having a keen interest in Astrology, since a very young age when she was a child, Deborah-Anne has
been studying Astrology most of her life. Deborah-Anne has her natal Pluto on her Saturn/Midheaven midpoint: “A driving urge to rise to the highest possible level in one’s profession. ” (-John Sandbach).

She considers herself an eternal student of Astrology, due to the complexity of specialization possible in the various fields and schools of Astrology. (Saturn Opposition Mercury in Capricorn in her 1Oth House). Deborah-Anne also has an added love of Space Weather, Meteorology, Astronomy, Numerology, GeneaIogy, History, and psychology.Dealing with Psychology has become part of daily life accommodating the special needs of her children, therefore Deborah-Anne also devotes a large amount of self-study to Psychology and the application thereof, with an advantage of combining it with Astrology. Deborah-Anne completed the UCT Mental Health, Mindfulness, and Self-Care short course (2022), thereby learning the spirit of Motivational interviewing (M.1.) (Stephen Rollnick) and how to be a Guide on the Side, similar to the ‘Person Centred Approach’ (Carl Rogers). Deborah-Anne, through attending Kay Taylor’s ‘Power
Dynamics in the Astrology Session’ webinar (2023), also strivesto apply the ‘Karpman Drama Triangle’and ‘Psychosynthesis Triangle’ concepts in working with and relating to people when assisting them with Astrology

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