Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Debi Mc Donald


Johannesburg & Online


About Debi Mc Donald

Debi is passionate about natal astrology and believes that by really knowing yourself, you can embrace and celebrate all that is uniquely beautiful about you. From this space, you can live life with a renewed lightness, sense of peace and clear purpose. Astrology combines Debi’s love for mathematical logic and analytical thinking, with a deeper understanding of our spiritual worlds and life paths.

In her mid-20s while backpacking for a year around South East Asia, Debi realised her innate yearning for something more meaningful that connects us to our soul world and a kinder, more serene way of living. It took her another 20 years, while taking a sabbatical from her corporate marketing career and thanks to a Uranus transit, to discover astrology. She knew immediately this was what she had been searching for and has been studying ever since, feeling very privileged to be on this eternal journey of discovery about this ancient craft, while imparting its knowledge and wisdom to clients.

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