Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Until the Moon feels safe, the Sun can’t shine!

by Dawie Burger

20 February 2025, Thursday
18h00 South African Standard Time
08h00 Pacific Time

Our talks are free to attend live, subject to email confirmation as numbers are limited. Recordings are for registered members only. Please email your request to attend live to Karen at

About the Presentation

Until the Moon feels safe, the Sun can’t shine!

In this talk we will look specifically at aspects to the Moon in the Natal chart, and how we can use such to assist our clients.

We will explore how the chart accurately indicates the peri-natal period, and how such will influence success later in life, particularly in the case of repeating Boom-Bust or Success-Failure cycles. We will look at how we can use the early movement of the Progressed and Directed Moon to forecast when deep patterns will become available for addressing and possible resolution later on in life.

We will also discuss why Psychotherapy, Affirmations, and Motivational workshops and the like simply do not work effectively without some Body-centered interventions, and we will talk about the recommendations we can give our clients to help them to break free from, or at least manage, their hindrances.

So please have some charts ready, and if you are brave enough, you are welcome to send such beforehand for a bit of extra input.

About the Speaker

Dawie Burger

Dawie’s “day-job” has been Astrology for over 20 years. He keeps a low profile but is busy-busy, working through referral only since 1999.

He calls his approach “Pro-active Astrology” and defines the aim of his Consultations as “Helping clients to attain more clarity for better decision-making, and having a bit of an inside edge in dealing with life”

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