Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Venus Retrograde in Aries – March 2025

Image of Venus

Venus is the planet of love and relationships and it shows how we love and why we love how we love based on the signs and aspects it makes in the natal chart. Venus in transit changes signs every 30 days approximately however during the retrograde period Venus can stay in a sign for approximately 2 months. I am using the Tropical Zodiac in this article.

Venus retrograde happens every 18 months. When the planet associated with values, harmony and relationships goes retrograde it can feel as though matters connected to the heart are intensified and are a huge focus. The last time that Venus went retrograde was in July 2023, in the sign of Leo. During this time what I observed was that there was a focus on wanting to be in the spotlight and be seen and recognized however it was more about feeding your own light and tending to the fire within yourself. People were more focused on appreciating and adorning themselves than looking for that sense of adoration and confirmation from those around them.

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Venus is going retrograde in Aries at 10 degrees on 2 March 2025. Venus is in detriment in the sign of Aries but that is because Aries can be more focused on their sense of independence and Venus is all about how we create harmony with others. During this time our values and hearts may feel as though they are more centered on looking for a spark when connecting with someone, quick and fast passion and wanting to be number one in our relationships. But it is important to note that there is no union before we have clearly established what we want and how we want to attract what we want.

Co-dependent relationships can be fueled by us looking for someone else to compensate for our sense of lack that we feel within ourselves and now is a great time to focus on that sense of lack and try to understand where that feeling is coming from. We may feel as though we always have to fight for love or to feel loved but sometimes when we know what we want and we are clear and honest about why we want it, we can feel a sense of ease relate to love and relationships. This story has been highlighted recently especially because the north node was transiting in the sign of Aries.

What I think is significant about this period as well is that there will be a solar eclipse on 29 March 2024 at 9 degrees of Aries, highlighting a focus on what we value as individuals when it comes to harmony and this can be a great sense of fuel towards a dynamic new start.

Venus during its retrograde transit will go into the sign of Pisces which Venus is exalted in. The significance of this is that once we become clear on where we would like to refocus our needs in terms of love, relationships and harmony then we are able to refocus ourselves and come from a place of unconditional love and acceptance.

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General advice for when Venus goes retrograde is to avoid scheduling any beautification treatments during that time. Meaning that if you can, try and avoid new hairstyles or doing surgical procedures associated with altering your appearance. As the priority during Venus retrograde is to go within when it comes to finding beauty and value.

As this Venus retrograde is in the sign of Aries it is a good time to prioritize focusing on what you value as an individual, becoming clear on what you seek and what you need in your relationships and determining the appropriate actions if you feel that there needs to be a change going forward.

This is also a great time to focus on the prospect of self-love. If you are looking to feel a spark, ask yourself how you can inspire yourself in this moment, how can you make you create a sense of harmony and independence for yourself? For some people this can look like taking yourself out, for others this may be about taking yourself out for a walk and giving yourself the 5 minutes of peace that you seek. Making yourself your priority is the goal.

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Journal Prompts for Venus retrograde:
♀ Where am I being prompted to realign my values? (You can answer this question based on where transiting Venus will go retrograde in your natal chart).
♀ What do I want and need? And have I been clear on my wants and needs in my relationships with others?
♀ Where and why do I need to be clear on my needs in my relationships?
♀ How have I been looking to others to create a sense of harmony within myself? How has that affected my relationships?

Venus will station direct on 13 April 2025 at 24 degrees of Pisces.


Lesego Pitsie

COSAPA Astrology Practitioner


Instagram: @crescentsunza

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