Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Saturn the great time keeper of the cosmos

Learning Astrology

This article is all about Saturn. Saturn gets to the truth of any matter, no matter how cold, boring, tedious and serious he needs to be. The coldest planet and the planet that takes the longest to rotate around the zodiac, among the seven major planets in the zodiac, is Saturn. Saturn is the second largest, with Jupiter being the largest planet in our solar system. In mythology Saturn has links to agriculture. In ancient Egyptian culture, Saturn was named as Hours the bull. There are a number of Egyptian gods that may be aligned to the qualities attributed to Saturn.

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The Romans ascribed Cronus (a Greek god) to be strongly affiliated with Saturn. Saturn was a god in ancient Rome who ruled over time, among other things. Saturn was so well regarded in Rome that there even was the December celebration known as Saturnalia, to celebrate Saturn.

Saturn shows us that no matter how high you climb up the ladder, you must come down eventually. That no matter how expansive your wealth and riches, no amount of money can bring back your youth. Saturn teaches us to treasure the present with a humble heart. To bear hardship with clarity and wisdom. On a national scale, we all know that all things change and when one country falls due to warfare – that country may take its time, but it can rise up again. On an individual level, we may know that to bear any hardship through true understanding can leave us with much deeper compassion and understanding. Saturn is the harshest teacher, of all the planets.

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However, for most of us, we get impatient and demand when will our hard times end. Saturn takes his time to give us the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. We should respect the time ruled by Saturn, knowing that when the good times come, they too will not last forever in this life. Regardless, of whether you are undergoing loss or gains, accept the present, go through what you need to feel, experience and learn. When the time is right the shift begins. First Saturn demands that we learn and if we do not learn, Saturn delivers similar lessons until we learn what we are meant to. Humility and humbleness are what Saturn is looking for.

The biggest and harshest way Saturn may operate is by repeating the same lessons. So, you might bear your losses, but do you truly assimilate the lessons and do you spiritual grow from them? If not, Saturn will swing by in good time again to bring other challenges, until awareness sprouts.

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It seems strange to say that spiritual growth can stem from loss, yet it does. By letting go of old identities and outdated perceptions, we can evolve into a deeper awareness in understanding. This understanding is in simple wisdom. The wisdom in the laws of Nature, and in the laws of the Universe.

The planet earth needs tons of healing and love. In ignorance, we may think we know when we do not. Saturn requires the Socratic approach. Saturn requires minimalism. Saturn requires truth and honesty. Saturn abhors arrogance and ignorance. Greed has caused so much suffering on a global scale. Saturn is the planet reminding us that all financial and material abundance acquired, does not go with us as we transition through death. Death is not the end; it is like birth and just a transition. Saturn has been associated to symbolize death, depression, darkness and gloom. Saturn shows us through such experiences that we are able to transform. No amount of wealth can buy time. Saturn determines the speed of time.

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Nothing is completely good or completely bad. It is the way we look at things, belief systems and perceptions which determine viewpoints. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Sometimes through really bad experiences, some phenomenal things can be created. Interestingly, it has been known that some of the most well renowned musicians, artists and poets suffered from depression. Saturn is one of the grand malefics in astrology, yet he gifts us with a deeper creativity, awareness and truth. As we begin to understand the teachings and the lessons, the perceived hardships, struggles, losses, pain and punishments begin to dwindle.

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The symbol for Saturn is a cross with an extended bulge curve on the right. Saturn governs ‘cold’ conditions and chronic ‘long term’ diseases. Stiffness and chronic pains are part of the effects of Saturn on your body. You will feel the cold more and need external sources of warmth. Saturn is perturbed in the sign of Aries, and creates other challenges in Leo, Cancer or Scorpio. Saturn feels more accepted in the signs of Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Saturn functions more easily in the signs he rules which are Capricorn and Aquarius, while he enjoys being in the sign of Libra. Libra is about balance, justice and harmony and this is what Saturn inspires you to remember. Libra is the zodiac sign symbolized by the scales. Things can weigh more on either side, depending on which side we add to. Be mindful of what you add to in this life. It is not about excess or deficiency, yet rather balance. Is a mansion residence really needed to live in comfort? Saturn does not say to live with nothing, yet rather to live moderately and fairly in society.

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When we are impatient, Saturn teaches patience through giving us troubles, like slow journeys, delayed flights, delayed promotions, delayed news or test results – to once again teach us patience. In the medical astrological chart, when analyzing a person’s health, Saturn reveals the state of the spinal cord, lungs and certain parts of the nervous system. Conditions of arthritis (degeneration of the joints), cold and hardening conditions such as calcification of the tendons may be linked to Saturn. These conditions lead to stiffness and reduced mobility and flexibility. Saturn is like the ancient seer, wise yet feared. He is stooped and cannot stand up straight. He wears a scowl across his face as he is constantly considering the wisest actions. He thinks, ponders, contemplates and does so again before uttering his advice. Saturn is the one that remembers all your acts and thoughts, and ensures that you reap the harvest of every single one of those. Let’s not forget that Saturn too, was linked to agriculture and the harvest celebrations.

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Saturn ruled careers include careers like garbage collectors, working underground, being a cleaner, working alone at times, working on roads, Buddhist wandering monks and anything that is not glamorous or exciting.

To nurture Saturn energy, it would be worthwhile to engage in some charity, to live modestly and moderately, practice patience and meditate. Contemplation and consideration are keys to understand the lessons with Saturn. When life delivers hardships and throws in the odd-ball crisis, remember fairness, the law of karma and your responsibility to be honest. Saturn does not demand you to be proud or be right, but rather to learn, (truly learn), be wise and attain much greater growth and awareness. To escape the cycle of greed and desire, is what Saturn is teaching. To honour Saturn, look for the lessons when you come across any troubles. Embrace that lesson, learn from it and evolve. The evolution enables the breaking of the illusion, and for the truth to be known.

Anastacia Sampson

COSAPA Specialist Astrologer

D.N. Med. BA(Hons) Psych

Images sourced from Pinterest

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