Jupiter the guru and benefactor of the cosmos
Learning Astrology
To feel and express true gratitude sends out a lovely vibration into the universe. Modern technology enables platforms like an online COSAPA blog, to gift us in sharing our astrological thoughts, inspiration, upliftment and learning among one another. Now it is time to discover more about the planet Jupiter, as Jupiter exudes qualities of generosity, learning, expansion, optimism, and faith. Jupiter is not easily aligned with a specific god in ancient Egyptian culture. However, there are Egyptian gods which can be said to represent some Jupiterian qualities and one of the most well recognized gods is Amon. Amon was believed to be a king of the gods and to be associated with qualities which we attribute to Jupiter.
In ancient Rome, Jupiter carries the flag for being the main god presiding over the other deities. Jupiter is often associated as representing a strong, yet wise father figure. In ancient Roman mythology Jupiter is the God of thunder, lightning, and of great storms. In ancient Greek culture Zeus is seen to exude Jupiterian qualities. In Norse cultures Thor was aligned to Jupiter. Thursday is derived from the word Thor. In astrology Jupiter rules over the week day of Thursday.
Anything which is grand is generally ruled under Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System and there is no disputing his grandness on a physical level. The Jupiter associated deities are impressive when we look back at mythology. It takes Jupiter about 12 years to go around the zodiac. The zodiac consists of the 12 zodiac signs that we are familiar with as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Jupiter rules over the signs Sagittarius and Pisces.
The symbol for Jupiter is the symbol for the number 2 with a longer line going through it vertically, making it look like a two combined as a four as well. Jupiter struggles to exude his great optimism and generosity in the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter also struggles with faith and has more questions in signs of Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Libra. Jupiter is jubilant and more inclined to exhibiting faith and wisdom in the sign of Cancer. Jupiter enjoys being in Aries, Leo and Scorpio. Another name for Jupiter is the Great Benefic. Jupiter shows us how to reach higher and more expansive states of consciousness. When you feel this and really focus on it, you begin to attract similar or like-minded people to you with the same consciousness or vibration. Philosophy is easy for Jupiter, but paying attention to the minor details are not his forte.
Jupiter explores ideas and belief systems, yet he is religious (not religious in the isolated forms of religion but rather in the freer, social joyous forms of religious expression). Jupiter manages the laws and is generous, but wise with how and who he gives generosity to. This planet teaches us morals and values. Think of the wise friendly older teacher or seer. He or she lives a comfortable life and they find much joy in enjoying good foods, laughing and giving you sage advice. You know, that no matter what advice they give, it comes from years of experience, profound wisdom and sincerely from the heart.
There is no limit to the wealth that Jupiter brings you. When you want growth in a certain area, Jupiter is the planet to focus on. Jupiter though in some areas is not ideal. For example, you may not want a really huge body. Plus, we could get arrogant (thinking we know better) with a weak or imbalanced Jupiter. To show us how to be wise, happy and wealthy – that is the gift of Jupiter. Jupiter brings you joy, the wisdom to engage in more mindful behaviour and a faith that that there is a higher purpose.
How Jupiter does affect you, can be seen by where Jupiter is in your chart. The house and sign Jupiter resides in and all that Jupiter comes into contact with, reveal where and when there are times of ease and luck. The degree of this luck and ease depends on the state of Jupiter in your birth chart.
Perhaps you are out of work and walk along the street. You never noticed this old second-hand book shop before, until now, huddled in the alley of tightly packed shops. You decide to go into this second hand book store. There you find a ridiculously low-priced book on a subject you always wanted to learn about. It feels like you waited most of your life to find this book. You read the book and it becomes your teacher and inspires you to follow your passionate pursuits. Soon you master all that you wanted to learn. In fact, you begin a business doing it and it just blossoms into success with so much ease, that even you are astounded at times. That might just be luck or the fortune of Jupiter touching you.
Jupiter encourages us to have faith, keep smiling, never give up, have hope and good-will.
Having a strong Jupiter in your chart is often a sign that you are sure to have the blessings of wise teachers and advisors. You may also get along very well with your children, father and husband. Your liver should be strong and you may feel that your hormonal system is more balanced.
Your liver, thigh area and fats are ruled by Jupiter. When Jupiter is weak, ensure you do not get too much unhealthy fat into your diet. Remember the healthy monounsaturated fats found in avocado pear and extra virgin olive oil. Snack lightly on healthy nuts, seeds, fish and specific kelp for those essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is always advisable to seek a health professional for comprehensive dietary advice. As this article is about Jupiter and Jupiter is linked to the liver, there is a herb worth mentioning. The milk thistle herb is a well-researched and reputed remedy to boost liver function. Jupiter supports wellness so that there is more freedom and capability to enjoy life optimally. Jupiter encourages us to enjoy foods rich in antioxidants. When you look at health in an astrological chart, there is analysis on all the planets, in the context of the whole chart and how the planets are affecting each other with current planetary movements as well.
Jupiter ruled careers include judges, gurus, kings, benevolent rulers, magistrates, CEOs and wise teachers. Jupiter is aiming to raise the level of consciousness and would like for there to be more awareness that thoughts and emotions have ripple effects across the cosmos.
Anastacia Sampson
D.N. Med. BA(Hons) Psych
Images sourced from Pinterest.