Venus, the planet of sensuality, love, beauty and grace
Learning Astrology
Venus, as well as Jupiter, is regarded as a planet which brings better fortune. Venus symbolizes things or experiences associated with ease, health, fertility and grace. In past civilizations, a person’s health was often judged on their ability to be fertile, to reproduce the next generation. It takes Venus about a year to rotate around the zodiac. Of all the planets, Venus is more likely to be affiliated with love. Her love is distracting, and yet brings much pleasure. It is easy to get swept up in her loving seductive embrace.
An Egyptian goddess renowned in representing agriculture and fertility in woman, is Isis. There was also Osiris, who was at one point considered a highly regarded fertility god. Later Osiris was renowned for his power and abilities to help the deceased enter the afterlife, and make the transition from the physical world to the spiritual realms. Death was not so much feared in some ancient cultures and was seen as a portal to another state of existence. There is not a clear-cut direct association always between the planet Venus and one particular goddess or god in Egyptian mythology. However, Isis and Osiris, through their links with fertility, can be highlighted as being associated with Venus, as Venus rules fertility. There were other Egyptian gods, including Sebiumeker, who were renowned for ruling over fertility and procreation.
The Greeks acknowledged Venus as being a goddess embodying peace and love, while the Romans worshiped Aphrodite. The Greeks and Romans truly embraced the Venetian-like goddesses and there are statues and paintings often depicting sensual Venetian women. Other ancient cultures revered feminine energy and the matriarchal system. In bygone times, there were names ascribed to deities which represented similar virtues or perhaps curses affiliated with Venus. In mythology Venus has been shown as the Goddess of love, fertility, sex and even as far as prostitution. So, we can already begin to appreciate that any form of sexual activity involves a great deal of Venus energy. Of course, Venus excels in the art of seduction. Venus is the full-bodied woman with feminine curves and wide hips. She is proudly fertile and her plump softness is deeply feminine. She embraces her femininity and does not deny it through starvation, by calling upon a Saturn like type of diet. She enjoys her food and embraces the pleasures that this life has to offer through all the senses. However, Venus can become lazy and so indulgent, that her fondness for wine may led to inappropriate and sultry behaviour. Venus when well positioned in a chart knows how to express her fertility in a healthy and appropriate manner.
Venus is skilled and talented in social contexts. She knows exactly how to put everyone at ease and bring that welcoming touch to any setting. Wherever Venus is in your chart, will indicate where you tend to have natural beauty and how you express romantic love.
The symbol for Venus is a cross with a bigger circle on top. Venus is uncomfortable in Cancer and Leo. While Venus is feeling tense in Virgo, and rather more intense in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. However, Venus is feeling greatly supported in the sign of Pisces, gracious in the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and like a social butterfly in Gemini.
All sweet foods such as, fruits, ice-cream, including alcoholic beverages and sweet drinks are ruled by Venus. Venus brings us love and pleasure. Careers dominated by Venetian energy include music, the arts, dancing, anything to do with body work, beauty, home décor, pottery, fashion, clothing, perfumes and nail art. Venus energy enjoys spending time taking care of her body, dressing in stylish clothing, and ensuring that all around her are comfortable and at ease, as she is naturally herself.
When you feel shy in any social context, it would be worth drawing on the energy of Venus to help you become more naturally graceful and feel at ease
Think about entering a garden where several people are gathered. There are colourful, aromatic flowers around with some magnificent trees in this space. Some people are sitting, others are standing. Everyone is smiling when they look at you. Cups of tea are being offered by the host, while there is gentle soft harp music being played in the background. Birds are chirping happily in the trees. The garden has a lovely warm summer glow while being just the right temperature, as the trees provide a cooling shade. There are ample soft comfortable chairs for guests to sit and relax on, as well as picnic blankets and cushions. There are yummy, yet healthy biscuits and muffins, as well as pieces of the most exotic seasonal fruits. You feel almost right at home as the mood among everyone is so relaxed, jovial and welcoming. The host moves around with ease and makes you feel really welcome, so you soon relax and enjoy the best cup of tea you have had for ages. This is the type of atmosphere Venus evokes.
If you have a strong Venus, you are more likely to have beauty and move with an easy grace. In some cases when Venus is weak, she becomes vulgar, is linked to alcoholism and becoming overtly unwelcomed as a result. In this way she loses her grace. Her tendency to abhor work and just enjoy the pleasures of life cause her to become imbalanced when left to indulge in only the sweetness of life.
A well-developed Venus enjoys showing us how to be healthy, earthy and sensual. She loves using natural products for skin care and hygiene. Massage is ruled by Venus. Venus loves to give or receive massages with arnica oil and adjunct aromatherapy oils. She shows us the benefits of giving into our senses and feeling completely relaxed. Of course, when it is time to let go, it can be very tempting to just stay in such a state. Yet if we stayed in such a state, we would soon become apathetic and hardly get anything done at all. When we over enjoy the pleasures bought by Venus, we begin to suffer from diseases such as sugar diabetes and candida (also known as thrush, an infection caused by fungus overgrowth). If you tend to experience these ailments, it becomes important to implement healthy boundaries. In such cases there would be clear restrictions on refined sugar and alcohol intakes. Along with some guidelines on how to partake in gentle exercise. Interestingly dance therapy is always great for Venus energy. Dance supports exercise, while being more enjoyable and social. To dance in any way and feel the music flow through you, is not only healthy but also enables a sense of gracefulness. Picture belly dancing. All forms of dance require a healthy body to move and sway about. A strong Venus in your birth chart reveals a healthier body. In medical astrology Venus in the chart also reveals the condition of the digestive system. Good digestion supports a healthy and strong body.
To develop and enhance your Venus energy, engage in dance, receive or give a massage, listen to beautiful music, socialize in gardens and use aromatherapy oils in your baths. Venus rules over the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra.
Venus does not like rushing or hard work. She wants to enjoy the pleasures of the senses, and enjoy the material joys of this planet. Music, aromas, flavours and stylish décor all are enjoyed by Venus. She speaks really well too, her voice is gentle, attractive and reassuring. You will always recognize Venus; it can be as easy as smelling and looking at something like your favourite flower, inhaling your cappuccino, savouring a delectable meal or soaking in a warm bath with candlelight all around.
You can honour Venus any time, just be appreciating the beauty in anything you come across. Looking up at a bird flying above and admiring it or observing a loved one (pet, family member or friend) with admiration. Venus is a seductive, capable and feminine planet. In the zodiac there is only one other feminine planet and that is the Moon. Venus is not only about romance; Venus is so much more (do not forget the mythical powerful Isis). There is much power that is veiled within this socially graceful planet who is a skilled diplomat.
Anastacia Sampson
D.N. Med. BA(Hons) Psych
Images sourced from Pinterest.