Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Past Lives, Future Lives - An Astrology Odyssey

by Maurice Fernandez

Wednesday 16 October at 18:00 South African Std Time 09:00 Pacific Time

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Maurice Fernandez talk

About the Presentation


Is our time of birth random, is our time of death random? Maurice will present a compelling perspective on the soul journey as depicted in our astrology charts, using examples that are bound to convince any skeptic.

Join us for this fascinating online talk!

About the Speaker

Maurice Fernandez is a leading Evolutionary Astrologer with a worldwide reputation of depth and excellence for his diploma program in astrology, publications, and consulting work.

He is the recipient of Orion Award for Outstanding Contribution to Astrology (2022), and ISAR Community Service Award (2022).
You can get his critically acclaimed books from most online book sellers.

Visit his website for private consultations and astrology training programs.
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