The Conflicted Nodes
Why the interpretations of the nodes are different in the Vedic and Modern Western Traditions
Many Astrologers use ‘The Nodes of Moon’ or Rahu and Ketu in their delineations of a chart. They’re important because they mark where the path of the moon and the path of the sun intersect and therefore the places of the eclipses. This linking of the luminaries gives them significance in astrology but astrologers are polarised on their meaning.
Many Western and Modern Astrologers interpret the North Node – Rahu as a brilliant direction to take in life. The North Node moves the soul forward to new frontiers. In Vedic Astrology and some Western approaches Rahu, the North Node is seen as more problematic. It’s a greedy point driving the soul ever deeper into Maya. Eastern and Western astrology both agree that the North Node, ‘The Head of the Dragon’ is a hungry point. There’s a pull for an individual towards the North Node.
Similarly, the Modern Western Tradition sees the South Node – Ketu as a place that we have ample talent already and that it’s a bit pointless and boring to just keep going with what you have. Meanwhile the Eastern Tradition sees the house node as a diminishing place, things that are fading out in this life you’re living.
It seems to me that the difference in the background of Eastern and Western philosophy helps us understand, how this polarity in the meaning, of the nodes in a chart comes about. In very basic terms Eastern philosophy considers the manifestation of the world to be Maya, or illusion. One of the basic tenets is to be able to escape Maya and the cycles of Karma and come into direct contact with Truth. The Western Tradition concerns itself very much with individuation—there is an interest in bringing the individual soul into the world. The East aims for transcendence, the West aims for individuation.
The simple definitions I gave begin to explain the divergence in interpretations for ‘The Nodes’. In order to individuate we seek new frontiers, even if we bite off more than can chew, with the North Node leading the way. In order to transcend, we’re working very much with what we already have and adding more though hunger, desire and greed is just going to complicate an already complex work.
I’m not sure that these two seemingly separate paths are that distinct for us anymore. I’ve long considered myself as a hybrid between the Eastern Way and the Western Way and I imagine there are many others like me. For many of us there’s a requirement for more individuation at times and letting go, acceptance and the transcendence of our life circumstances at other times.
If you want to dive more deeply into your life in the 3rd dimension, the world of matter, then perhaps looking to the North Node is completely valid and a positive influence, it will help you become more. You will also have more to deal with more. This is not necessarily a bad thing. If you want to experience your self more fully as a more complex and developed and multi-dimensional being the North Node can give you that.
Because Eastern Philosophy aim for ultimate transcendence off the wheel of life and death, it is not about the embodiment of more and more. While you may have a body in this dimension, Eastern philosophy aims for you to be continuously being able to see beyond and experience yourself beyond the illusion of the 3rd dimension. From this view the North Node can be seen as problematic because even if you manage to transcend for a moment, the north node will lead you deeper into the illusory world of Maya and your new-found transcendence is bound to slip away. In other words, you will have more ‘karma’.
Similarly the South Node in the Western Tradition will keep you stuck in familiar and known territory, where you do not discover new versions of yourself. While in the Eastern Tradition this is a place where karma can be diminished by reducing your identification with what you already know yourself to be.
With all traditions more or less available to us at this time on the planet, we have to start to use discernment and work out our goals before using a technique or a part of the chart. Perhaps there is one universal truth but we can unfold in many ways during this lifetime. May you choose your path wisely!
This copy is owned by Barbara Monica. If you would like to contact me for a reading, please see my details below.
+27 83 654 4853