Longlines and Lanyards
Throwing a longline to my 1966 fire horse friends born with the Pluto-Uranus conjunction codes for powerful change; 10OCT65 @17VIRGO10’, 5APR66 @16VIRGO27’ and 30JUN66 @16VIRGO05’. Uranus took this ‘dark-light’ splice and went on to collaborate with Jupiter, which got us to the Moon in 1969. The first of many giant leaps and innovation revolutions.
This weekend past, Saturn retrograde in Pisces has been opposite Virgo’s Sun and closest to Earth @16PISCES01; most perfectly opposite the Uranus-Pluto Inception. I know this has been life-changing for many of these mid-1960’s ‘survival seeders’. Saturn is asking us to note what has taken place since the hippies and their flower-power. What has grown since 1966 and then since the opening square in cardinal signs from mid-2012 – April 2014….? What and how is this genius doing in the world? As well as Saturn’s usual concerns; how bright is your radiance? how deep is your shadow? how well do they know one another?
Healthy Saturn is creative, loving and magical when his waters of consciousness are allowed to flow through and shape the manifest world. We must never forget that no matter how hard the ‘measure’ and ‘labour’, Saturn’s divine mission is for light to triumph over darkness and for spirit to ultimately overcome the limits of the material world. For such a heavyweight, I always find it interesting that Saturn is the least dense planet, with least mass inside and most density outside in rings and moons.
Uranus and Pluto will be making an air trine from mid-July26 – mid-Jun27 from the early degrees of Gemini to Aquarius for increased flow of mind, wind, neural and storm-power. Opposition will take place in 2046/7 when Pluto will be infusing with Fomalhaut, the southern fish constellation who receives the aquarian life-line from Aquarius’ waters of life. Fomalhaut dreams poetic harmonics and protects the South, so, as my aquarian friend predicts, ‘I’m positive’.
Things are feeling more positive with Mercury through his underworld and out the other side in the morning sky now. He is sextile Mars and knows what has to happen and what to do, but with Mars in fall for an extended stay, Mercury doesn’t quite yet know how. His stay in Virgo until 26SEP is sure to help discern, clean-up and clarify.
From 6OCT24 – 21OCT24 Mars will be square Sun, known as his Identity Challenge Phase. Mars is challenged by everything he thought he knew about himself. He must face his own limitations, get tired & be wrong, as who he thought he was, is challenged to change. The exact square is 14OCT24 @21*28’, where Mars will be the solutions point of a problem-solving T-square between the opposition of Sun in fall in Libra and Chiron in Aries; highlighting where our personal wounds prevent us from moving forward. We will be strongly motivated to find ‘right action’. For Buddhists, this means abstaining from killing, abstaining from stealing and abstaining from sexual misconduct.
Who knows what this will mean for the world in 2024.
Mars will then proceed on to his Maturity Phase, from 94-178 degrees, when Mars slows down to station retrograde 7DEC24 @6LEO10’. During the first half of Maturity, Mars is close to earth and decelerating. There is a sense of having to compensate, so Mars can get impatient and doesn’t have enough time or can’t keep up. Once Mars stations retrograde, he picks up speed and has agency, but is retrograde and so can self-sabotage. Now he gets honest about what he will and won’t stand for. His impulsivity is challenged or there is a call to action.
Mars will station direct @17CANCER01’. So, when Mars enters this space from 5OCT24, a moment of increasing emotional strife is marked, that needs dedicated practice to master. More so, when we consider Pluto’s transiting opposition from Capricorn’s ending and Aquarius’ beginning. Mars-Pluto is our ultimate Superman, when well-trained and where total revitalisation is required. The shadow is deadly.
Mars-Pluto Dates:
- 3NOV24: 29 CANCER – CAPRICORN 45’ (square Juno on last degree of Libra)
- 3JAN25: 1 LEO – AQUARIUS 08’ (square Vesta in Scorpio)
- 27APR25: 3 LEO – AQUARIUS 48’ (grand cross with Sun opposite Lillith in Scorpio)
Currently we also have Jupiter in a yang sextile to Chiron brewing to be exact 2NOV24 @20*23’ and again 18MAY25 @25*02’; the priest and the healer. This fire-and-air opportunity to understand and honour the overlays of personal and collective trauma, allows each one of us to create and grow our collective wisdom body.
Lanyards bind items to one like keys or a knife when in water, or a rigging on a ship that secures sailors or astronauts. Or like a solar flare bound back to source, but exploding its fusion for life. These threads of connection make long lines like song lines held sacred in the living.
May your lines have good dots.
Since winter 2022 I have written 50 astrology blogs, 18 of which have been for COSAPA. I’ve loved writing for those who read my work and appreciate your interest in exploring astrology’s wisdom. May the stars guide your way true
Natasha Rightford >> my sky stories
11 September 2024
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