Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

The majestic and brilliant Sun

Learning Astrology

The magnificent Sun, the source of unlimited solar energy, inspires the utmost awe. The Sun is a vital ingredient for life on planet earth. The Sun in our solar system with his paternal magical golden rays was once believed to be a god, the god Ra in Egyptian history.

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Other cultures across the world have also affiliated the Sun to a god, such as the Greek Helios, Roman and Norse Sol and the Incan Sun god known as Inti. In Hinduism we still have Surya and in the Andean Traditions, Tata Inti. It is common for cultures to have named sub-divisional Sun gods. It is clear as daylight, that many cultures have and still do revere the Sun, for his physical and symbolic powers. The Sun is powerful and able to burn things with intense fire rays. Likewise, when you shine and impose your will too much on others it causes harm. In astrology the Sun is symbolic of your self-esteem. We all deserve to shine, but not burn those around us by seeking constant and outrageous validation.

Does the Sun need validation? No not necessarily in a worship way. Yet to wake up each morning and smile as the sun rises and feel gratitude for another day, is to treat each day as a gift and new beginning. Some may do the yoga practice of the sun salutation as the sun rises, or most of us leave it up to the birds to sing in the rising of the Sun.

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When you read your horoscope in mainstream media, you are only reading about what the Sun may mean in a specific zodiac sign. You are not reading of the friends your Sun has or his enemies. Not all the planets are friends to the Sun, and some are just neutral. Of those planets which are friends, are they in a position to lend a helping hand? Only the birth chart can answer that. The Sun is not equally happy and comfortable in each of the zodiac signs. The Sun is uncomfortable in Venus ruled signs, Libra and Taurus and feels inhibited and restricted in the Saturn ruled signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. However, the Sun is really feeling proud and regal in his own sign of Leo and he feels like a king on tour in the sign of Aries. By looking at a birth chart we can begin to see how well the Sun is supported or not, how comfortable or uncomfortable he may be. The Sun in your personal birth chart reflects your unique soul expression. The Sun in astrology is intimately linked to wellness and vitality.

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Intense and repetitive Sun exposure for some people, can aggravate skin cancer development. There is research indicating some cases of cataracts and many cases of excessively wrinkled and spotted skin are linked to a history of excessive Sun exposure. The Sun’s heat is palpable. The elderly, very young and anyone with chronic blood pressure problems may feel much weaker during the midday hours.

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All the planets in astrology are given symbols. The symbol for the Sun is simply a circle with an inner dot in the middle of that circle. The Sun is strongly associated with the fire element and rules the zodiac sign of Leo. There are many reasons why our ancient ancestors worshiped the Sun gods. Is there more to this mythological power than we acknowledge? Regardless, science does show the Sun’s power on your well-being.

Exposing your skin to the rays of the sun (for safer ray exposure ideally, early morning or late afternoon), will trigger reactions in the skin that transform chemicals within you into active forms of Vitamin D. These active forms of Vitamin D, promote fortified bone structure, strengthened immunity, mental wellness and other effects.

Stress is often said to be the root of all disease. So, what can we do to counter it? Relaxation is part of the solution. However, relaxation has now become something people have to learn to do, as we have become accustomed to being in chronic states of stress. Often times we are not even aware of it, and we feel overwhelmed. We constantly may crave the weekend break or end of the work shift as everything just seems very tiring. This is unhealthy and may be linked to chronic underlining stress.

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The Sun’s energy helps us relax. Sun exposure is one of the greatest healing tools of all time. Sun exposure (always in the right doses) promotes inner well-being, and a relaxed state supports better memory, learning ability and regulated sleep cycles. The Sun is like medicine, solar medicine for mind, body and spirit. Mediation practices, involving visualizing the kundalini energy rising through the spine from the tail bone to the crown, are affiliated with the Sun.

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To help balance your Sun energy or support it within you, get involved in a hobby or activity that brings you a sense of worth. For instance, share something with someone. Share some of your fortune in a way that is comfortable and relevant to you. A man earning a very high salary can afford to be grand and buy his loved ones some expensive presents or he could give generously to a charity that he is proud to be a patron of. However, a man earning a meager income could do something like pick some wild flowers and give them to his beloved. When such a man is around his friends and family, he can exude a sense of grandness through his exuberant, confident and warming nature. People will be drawn to him as he automatically seems to have a sense of inner worth. When you have a certain sense of inner worth it is your will to shine and share your light with others. When excessive it can be overbearing at times or you may be perceived as a narcistic person. When it is balanced this is not egotistical but more about sensing your brightness and generously sharing where it is needed. Through sensing that, your sense of value in your community becomes evident.

The magestic Sun
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The Sun is the stabilizing masculine energetic force. His rays are always dependable. We know at midday his strength is at its peak. Yes, clouds can block him but his rays are still at the same strength beyond the clouds. The Sun is stead-fast and a strong Sun in your birth chart can reveal deeper aspects of your psychological state. Sun ruled careers include positions of leadership and authority.

Have you heard someone say, ‘she is just glowing’ or ‘he is beaming with pride’? That is most likely a time when the position of your Sun in your birth chart is boosted by planetary aspects. The solar light within us may not be seen physically, yet somehow, we sense it. With the confident and proud solar energy shinning above you daily, just be you, there is only one of a kind.

Anastacia Sampson
D.N. Med. BA(Hons) Psych
Images sourced from Pinterest.

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