Learning from Mistakes
Today Venus in Libra meets Black Moon Lillith and Moon-Dragon’s tail (the south node) for some fundamental soul reconnecting across lifetimes. Before we can resolve inner-dimensional issues, we have to remember the tale.
Marsilio Ficino has suggested that ‘the notion of stars as eyes is a soul image’. To see the stars as eyes, we need to stop the habit of seeing as a subjective activity. It must give way to another perception where we are no longer looking at a thing, but being seen by it. When things look at us, they reveal and manifest themselves to the heart’ (Robert Sardello)
Some people like to punish mistakes. For others ‘mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature’ and should not be corrected (Salvidor Dali). Mistakes become honourable when acknowledged and we can understand why they happened and why they hurt. They help to set the record straight so we can do better next time.
One of my many mistakes was seeing a triangle in the sky constellated by Fomalhaut, Saturn and Alrescha / Alpha Pisces, as I so wanted that spiritually divine harmonic. I needed to know where things have corrupted and to clarify motives. But the equilateral triangle is not made with Pisces’ fishtails, Alrescha, but with the tail of Cetus, the whale; Deneb Kaitos/Cetus. Like an orca who likes small boats in the Mediterranean, this Whale, more of a beast of the depths, is a fearsome constellation that contains the collective unconscious (Bernadette Brady), as well as one’s assumptions and preconceptions.
So scary is this beast that the Princess, Andromeda, is chained to a rock by her fear of it lurking above. Andromeda’s head star is Alpheratz, which is also the belly star of Pegasus and the ‘Great Square’ that teaches us how to think. Frozen to stone, she is waiting to be rescued by her Prince.
The Prince is Perseus. His stars are Mirfak / Alpha Perseus, Algol / Beta Perseus and Capulus, the sword / nebula. Nebulae are associated with sight and vision and see differently or not at all. In tantra, Algol and Capulus are like the 2 snakes moving together in different directions or they represent rage either feminine (Algol) or masculine (Capulus). Please note Marion Woodman’s description of the feminine as ‘the part of us that is outcast, the part who comes to consciousness through going into darkness, mining our leaden darkness, until we bring our silver out,’ by burning away all veils of illusion to reveal the soul-essence of an individual, like a healing plant’s essential oil.
The myth of Perseus is fascinating in that to rescue the Princess he has to take the severed head of Medusa and her writhing snakes that His sword has decapitated and use this to turn the sea-monster to stone. Only then is Alpheratz able to become free and move with the horse she is connected to, Pegasus.
Saturn is close to the northern fish of Pisces, near Beta Pisces / Fum al Samakah @18PIS35’.
This Circlet of 7 Stars is involved with scientific breakthroughs and whole-systems understanding; whole and holy. Saturn was blessed by Fomalhaut in last year’s retrograde and has already passed through the water of life that water carrier, Aquarius, pours into the human mind.
This flow-path of liquid gold treasure hosted Saturn in our southern winter 2023 and again in February and March this year. There will be one final infusion from mid-October to mid-December 2024 to ensure your Aquarian codings can manifest their solutions. Aquarius allows for Capricorn’s dynastic top-downism to come up for air and equalise. To navigate the tendency of Aquarius to myopia and an all-air dictatorship, Pluto’s dance at this Saturnine cusp, insists on including Capricorn’s earth-speed wisdom in all warp-speed decisions.
Like Moon’s ancestral south node and the whale’s tail, Deneb Kaitos, all tails have tales to tell. Like Swan’s tail, Deneb Cygnus / Alpha Cygni, mother of Castor and Pollux, the great duality, whose starlight opens a ‘willingness to become aware’. Or Denebola, in the tail of Leo, that sees the world differently and is involved with Hercules’ fight-to-the-death with the mythical Nemean Lion. Seeking redemption for his cursed madness, Hercules is tasked with 12 labours that often included the destruction of old-world goddess worship (Hera’s curse((( ).
Wishing wellness and very Virgo cleansing for your-and-our purified heartmind,
Natasha Rightford >> my sky stories
Knysna, 4 September 2024
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