Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Brewing your Blessings

On Sunday a car-sized asteroid fell to St. Francis with a supersonic boom. On my dearheart’s birthday, while he was there drinking his coffee😊 South Africa’s last asteroid to officially fall, be found and studied, was in 1973 in Lichtenburg. What a perfectly precise birthday message for my favourite silver-surfer mammal, or close call.

Currently Asteroid Goddess, Pallas Athene, is opposing Uranus, as both square Mercury to make a T-square, which is a problem-solving tool in astrology.  The confrontation of chaos/change-agent Uranus in Taurus, opposite Pallas Athene’s skills, craft and strategy in serpent-rider, Ophiuchus’ territory, is happening in fixed signs. Long-held fixations are exposed as Venus (ruler of Taurus) and Mars (ruler of Scorpio) seek each other amidst the games of Earth’s sky-water dragons.

Mercury from Leo becomes the point of resolving/resolution, by repeat squaring via his current retrograde, both Pallas Athene and Uranus. Mercury has journeyed from the changeable fresh winds of Spring’s Virgo back into fixed fire Leo, where the mind seeks inspiration and clarification from happy-heart space, before your ‘right energy – right thinking – right medicine’ can be known.

Uranus sextiled by Neptune in Pisces reminds us that without fire and water, there is nothing and that both elements can be a blessing or a curse. Many people across the planet are experiencing the sky snakes dump rivers of tears or malignant fire missiles. Meanwhile Pallas Athene is now sextiled by Venus, bringing opportunities for sanity/madness into relation-shipping eg seeing our shipping lanes full-up along the southern coast due Red Sea closures.

Mercury square Uranus: mind changes

  1. 22JUL24 @26*32’
  2. 18AUG24 @27*10’
  3. 7SEP24 @27*14’

Mercury square Pallas Athene: mind and sanity

  1. 15JUL24 @19*53’
  2. 20AUG24 @25*07’
  3. 9SEP24 @0*14’ (Mercury with Regulus))

Pallas Athene opposite Uranus: strategy changes

  1. 5JAN24 @19*17’
  2. 5JUN24 @24*24’
  3. 29AUG24 27*15’

Jupiter and Saturn are attempting to consolidate their 2020 Summer-Solstice zero-Aquarius infusion; to capture their new essence into the world, for real. Each evening, Saturn also in Pisces like Neptune, highlights an asterism with Fomalhaut and Alrescha (Alpha Pisces); the Knot Star binding together the 2 heavenly fish of science and soul. Many people are lost beneath blankets of illusion experiencing god-deferred, as boy-soldier, drone fighters show us the cruelty of Aquarian detachment, thinking itself so very powerful and clever. Others ask, ‘what is the difference between the quantum and AI? And how does this make sense to me?’

Saturn, at the midpoint of his retrograde restructure, will be midnight star 8SEP24 @16PISCES01’. This happens when an outer planet opposes our source star Sun, while retrograde AND closest to Earth. Jupiter will commence his retrograde from 9OCT24 @21GEM20’ to 4FEB25 @11GEM16’, with his midnight star on 7DEC24 @16GEM20’ again squaring Saturn and seeking ways to grow and consolidate.  This mutable square definitely doesn’t end as it begins.

By travelling towards Elnath (Beta Taurus @21GEM53’) and then backing up the Sky Bull’s mighty horn as we bear witness to his retrograde in the night sky, Jupiter asks us to take stock of the potential of the tip of that horn as a weapon for mass destruction. We need to consider that Elnath is also the heel of the charioteer, Auriga, harnesser of Horse and guardian of goddess star, Capella, the free-spirited, but nurturing mother-goat. Jupiter will return to touch this tipping point star next May 2025.

Getting more personal with our astrology tools we note Venus going into Libra and rulership this Thursday (29th) and Mars going into Cancer, his fall, next Thursday (5th), both cardinal ie actively challenging one another for more divine feminine and more divine masculine in the world to  support beneficial mini-Sun individuals, true to their daily inspirations and aligned with original purpose, purged of distortion and worldly falsity, as per Mercury’s retrograde alchemy.

Venus and Mars had their Inception conjunction 22FEB24 @6AQUARIUS58’, their opening square 2AUG24 Gemini to Virgo @22*08’ and their opposition will be 12DEC24 where Venus @5AQUARIUS58’ opposes Mars retrograde in Leo. Their closing square will be 2JULY25 @21*01’, but this time Venus will be in Gemini and Mars in Virgo, both conducted by Mercury and constrained to the Taurus’ tip. 

Mars and Venus begin their next cycle 8JAN26 @18CAPRICORN09’.  In 2026 we have our next Capricorn VSP @16CAP19’, a morning star Inception and blessings brew for our next-level NEPTUNE-SATURN 20FEB26 @zeroARIES45’ and each sacred moment in-between.

As Mercury prepares to announce himself in the morning sky this week, we look forward to his magical asterism with balsamic moon on Sunday 1 September. He will be brightest when maximum distance from Sun on 4 September.

Happy Spring and One Love Winds,

Natasha Rightford

Knysna, 28 August 2024

for your personal astrology and timelines please contact me here

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