Some common astrological terms and misconceptions!
Is astrology currently retrograde?
Learning Astrology
This article will explain some basic terminology relating to astrology, while trying to clear away the fog created by popular current mainstream media. Astrology is thousands of years old and in ancient times one could not study medicine without a sound understanding of astrology. In bygone days to study astrology was taken with much high regard and astrological teachings were part of university syllabuses. Imagine! A misguided astrological calculation could lead an astrologer to make an inaccurate prediction. This could have drastic effects. In those days farming and war strategies were often decided upon after consulting many wise advisors, including astrological advisors.
As the years passed, astrology was banished from formal studies and many valuable texts were destroyed. This is relevant to European cultures. However, in Eastern Cultures various texts survived and there is a rich tradition of astrological ancient teachings that are still being taught through Vedic (Indian) texts. Since the late 1800s and early 1900s astrology slowly resurfaced in the West. By the 1970’s some popular astrology books were being published and horoscopes soon became part of main stream magazine and newspaper entertainment by the late 1900s. To make astrology acceptable, it was dreadfully ‘dumbed down’ and many terms carried opaque meanings. Astrology was sort of taken from a state of high status and taken to a place of servitude. Imagine a time, when astrology was like a person of great importance in your community, and then there was a war. This person of high status is not killed, yet her (or it could just as easily be a he) survival depends on her ability to be a slave to her new master. All her exceptional debating qualities, sophistication, eloquent manners and speech are quickly whipped away. She learns to only have her most basic needs met in order to serve an ungrateful master. Her graceful and exceptional skills go to waste, as now she is expected to do only menial hard manual work. This analogy hopefully gives an image of what astrology was, is and still can be.
Today there are few who appreciate the true depth and richness of astrology, besides astrologers. Someone may shout out that Mercury or some other planet is retrograde. People get fascinated about this. Yet we must remember the stars, Moon and planets are a reflection of us. As we are a reflection of the cosmos. To truly understand how retrograde planets affect us requires some fundamental understanding of astrology. However, not everyone has the time or interest to learn about this. In a nutshell, a planet being retrograde is an opportunity to re-do or re-consider something. How any given retrograde planet might affect you is totally dependent on which planet it is and where that planet is in your birth chart. By looking at you birth chart, we can begin to see how a retrograde planet might affect you and to what degree it will affect you in a specific aspect of your life.
In time, magazine and newspaper horoscopes will fade away, as astrology begins to take its rightful place as a proper science and art again. To begin to understand yourself, having a birth chart reading can be quite insightful. By looking at what the current planetary movements are, we can begin to predict the most auspicious times to plan events such as unions or setting up businesses or having a planned surgery. Astrology is not ‘hocus pocus’ and it is always right. However, if the astrologer is less knowledgeable and inexperienced, errors in understanding may occur which may cause doubtful astrological readings and dubious astrological based advice. Still astrologers, like doctors, are not perfect and they are human and subject to natural honest errors. Many astrologers have striven to bring astrology away from a position of slavery, to a position of wise counsel. To do that, many astrologers have been sincere and in earnest in their ethics and responsible to the best of their ability during a consultation or reading.
What is a ‘reading’. A reading is generally when an astrologer looks at a chart and begins to decipher it and explain it in any given language. There is more to astrology. It deserves great reverence. However, for now it is still being jostled about as a light and fun topic to discuss. Of course, it is a fascinating topic, and yet we never truly comprehend the depth of it. For example, have you ever heard an astrologer say one of your planets is combust? A combust planet means it is so close to the Sun, that it is unable to act fully due to the great strength and heat of the Sun. Astrology has a long way to go in the West before there is a greater awakening of its true potential. Slowly, and ever so slowly, it is transforming. Another great concept to not lose sight of, is that astrology is not the ultimate master and determiner of everything. You are the ultimate master of your destiny and life. Astrology has a great capacity to predict inherent character and behavioral patterns. Probably life events are also often foreseeable.
If you undergo transformation, you can shift your energy to express the energy of the planets at a higher vibration. Each planet has a range of levels in expressing its energy. Within each of you is the cosmos and that means that every planetary energy is within you too. The Sun and Moon included. By awakening awareness of this, you can begin to change from within. You may no longer need worry if some planet is retrograde. You need only worry about your inner state. Focusing so much on external things leaves little room for energizing and recharging yourself. Wherever you focus, you manifest. So, begin to take charge of your universe from within. To do this self-knowledge is imperative, and here we can turn to astrology, as astrology is a pivotal tool in the quest to gain self-knowledge and mastery. You are more powerful than you know, and all the knowledge you need is within you. Astrology is a tool to assist us in our development. From this perspective you may begin to see astrology as a valuable tool, and when used correctly it can help your life flow that more easily and productively.
Anastacia Sampson
D.N. Med. BA(Hons) Psych
Images sourced from Pinterest.