Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Laurie Naughtin Master Class
Pivotal Chart Almutens
21 September 2024

Entrance Requirement: Knowledge and experience of Traditional Astrology. This Master Class is free for COSAPA Registered Members. 150 ZAR for non-members.

About Laurie's Master Class

Laurie Naughtin will be giving a Master Class on the Chart rulers and their function. The nativity gives us several planets that play a pivotal role in the native’s life.

The main focus of the class will teach you how to work out the Daemon, also known as the Almuten ruler of your chart.
The Almuten has been called the guardian angel or your personal daemon, and is said to accompany each of us from birth. It has long been held to be discoverable through astrology and by specific practices that the individual may carry out.

We will learn how to calculate this very important Almuten Ruler during the Master Class. All Participates will be given the Almuten calculation Chart as well as a copy of Dorothean Table of Essential Dignities.

NB: This class is only for Astrologers with a background of the Traditional practices.

About the Presenter
Laurie Naughtin of Sublunar Astrolgy

Laurie Naughtin is a highly qualified and experienced Traditional Astrologer. She  started her studies with Anita Noyes-Smith in 1996, Qualified in Medieval Astrology through Robert Zoller in 1997, Qualified in advanced astrological studies including time rectification and relocation with Jeanette Martins, opened her internationally accredited Sublunar Academy of Astrology in 2002. She received her diploma in Horary Astrology with Jacqueline Brook. Wrote and submitted her Horary course for accreditation from John Frawley and the Traditional Association of Astrologers. Laurie completed her Consulting skills course with ISAR in 2012. In 2017 received The Renaissance Astrology Magic diploma through Christopher Warnock, in 2019 received her diploma in Election studies with Christopher Warnock. Laurie has been a committee member of the Association of South African Astrology for 10 years, and elected Chairlady in 2016. From 2019 to end 2023 was President of Astrology South Africa. Laurie and Karen arranged a collaboration between ASA and CAA during 2022 and 2023. Currently a Specialist, Teacher and Practitioner member of COSAPA. 

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