Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Knot Knowing

Early tomorrow morning, on Woman’s Day, Venus and Mercury meet officially @3VIRGO43’. They make a 180-degree direct connection with Fomalhaut, the southern fish who receives Aquarius, the water-bearer’s living-codes chemistry. Fomalhaut’s grace, harmony and poetic humanity with Archangel Gabriel as watcher of the ‘Watcher Star of the South’, is seen and heard.

Being a woman is something so personal and deeply intimate; the inside of one’s inside. Yes, we are cooking and cleaning, growing, gathering, exchanging, caring, sharing, hurting, healing, helping, listening, moving when possible or being as still as it takes; often doing the work no one wants, mostly hidden and unpaid. Same-same; holding one’s tongue or holding firm like you had a gun, but you don’t cos you know the theory of bigger bombs destroy smaller bombs, but actually the biggest bomb is the shrapnel now lodged in lifelines for lifetimes.

Being a woman is a selfless task no matter the evolution of the feminine. One thing that is painful to know about being woman and mother, is that no matter where one’s personal lunar nodes are, Sun generally takes care of the North Node and Moon generally takes care of the South Node, because we grow towards the light of the Sun. So, mom-as-Moon will mostly get tasked with holding the south node; the past, the pain-of-it and the work-of-it…..maybe because mom is easier to talk to. North Node is governed by the Sun’s need to shine and Father will tend to represent this and indicate the growth path forwards.

Just because you know something (Mercury), doesn’t get you out of feeling and connecting to it aka Venus. So, often we use knowledge (fact, information, data, detail, precedent, projection, big picture etc.) as a safety net or defence strategy to ward off evil / discomfort / life, where Me and my device are in full control and there’s no stopping ME – except life. Life does stop me when it stops and I die.

Mercury shows me that through being both right and wrong, both winner and loser, victim and beneficiary at different times, I know that whenever someone does wrong, their time will come. Karma is cyclic right? …no matter how many bombs you got, right?

Sometimes we are made aware of the pain we carry. We can get sliced open or become aware of tumours of despair coming from deep within. The inner conversation is never silent, more so now with the 2 inner planets connecting heart and mind. However deep we have been buried is the level of pain required for remembering to be remembered and reconnected. How beautiful their current asterism is, so close to Leo’s heart star, Regulus. ‘Who feels it, knows it’, Bob Marley.

With Alphard, retrograde Mercury’s alchemy point, being the heart of Hydra, the wise, water serpent, isn’t it interesting to think of all the celestial snakes in the sky and what each one is reminding us. You get Serpent Rider, Ophiuchus, the medicine man, Hercules slaying Hydra, the many-headed snake beast created by Hera’s jealousy to destroy a young man’s mind and Medusa’s head of writhing snakes with female-rage Algol (Beta Perseus) severed by the Prince’s Mirfak (Alpha Perseus); a warrior battling demons of the mind.

Uranus is currently preparing to work with Algol, the ‘Eye of Medusa’ after the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction on 21April24 @21TAU49’ initiated a 14-year cycle. Algol @25TAU28’ will be sparked by Uranus 25JUNE24, 11NOV24 and 15APRIL25. The myth of Medusa is always shape-shifting, but my favourite thing about it is the birth of Pegasus once Perseus decapitates her snakey head.

Such a creative being is our winged white horse, but most beloved is how the ‘Great Square’ that is Pegasus is actually a lesson in how to think. He is ‘always loyal to Zeus’ and is made of a belly star (Alpheratz, Alpha Andromeda) for instinct, a saddle star for steadiness (Markab, Alpha Pegasus), a right wing to know the intrinsic essence of a thing (Scheat, Beta Pegasus) and a left wing (Algenib, Gamma Pegasus) to apply the knowing. And so, the beast can fly and Medusa freed from her toxic headspace can look down on her life far from the pain of her heart.

As Mercury and Venus meet, think of what needs to be separated out. They will meet again next year in March in Aries and in November in Scorpio, both signs of Mars and blood. My Gran always told me to keep my blood clean with garlic, onions and chillies. I feel my ancestors’ bloodlines nourishing our small scraggley family tree growing now finally in a tree-friendly garden. I hope the family tree is happy with me and the wildflowers. I’ll plant some dahlias for my great-granny from Glasgow and a magnolia for mymom. Where there were sacs of poison to survive, now there is within me only their petalled elixirs and birdsong bells. To feel and know ‘the love’ I’m undrowning my emotions and finding kindling thats dry enough to burn away all that needs to unthink…

Key Sky Tracking for now:

  1. Venus with Alphard 2AUG
  2. Venus with Regulus 5AUG
  3. Mercury with Alphard 21JULY, 19AUG & 5SEPT
  4. Mercury with Regulus 26JULY, 13AUG & 9SEPT
  5. Sun with Alphard & Regulus 22AUG
‘The Japanese have a phrase for dual perception: mono no aware. It means “beauty tinged with sadness,” for there cannot be any real beauty without the indolic whiff of decay. For me, living is the same thing as dying and loving is the same thing as losing, and this does not make me a madwoman; I believe it can make me better at living, and better at loving, and just, quite possibly, better at seeing’
 Sally Mann – Photographer. (B.1951)
Natasha Rightford
7 August 2024
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