Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Mars-Chiron & South Africa’s Elections

Thanks Karen, for the question. Why this conjunction now on election day?

Mars is meeting the north node 20MAY24 in his Aries rulership @14*56’ and goes on to meet with Chiron @22ARIES09’ on election day 29MAY24. This is the degree of Mercury’s recent retrograde ringtone (24MARCH – 8MAY).

Mars-Chiron will be square the opposition of Vesta-in-Cancer to Ceres-in-Capricorn, making this conjunction the cardinal problem-solver. Ceres, provider and earth-mother, recently stationed retrograde @22CAP as there much to re-work around sustainability of resources. Vesta in Cancer faces-off with the grain goddess and shines sacred light upon mother-and-child bonds, bringing to attention the people of this land, our humanity and our needs (Moon as ruler of Cancer).

Supercool Moon in Aquarius meanwhile, is apex her own T-square solving Pallas Athene opposing Mercury-Uranus exact 31MAY @24TAU07’ conjunct Algol @ 25TAU28’. Pallas Athene is currently retrograding the current Mars Star @25SCORPIO35’ in November2023.

SO, lots of strategy and crafting going on, trying to catch something real in the great genius of us, potentially… But then there’s Jupiter in Gemini bursting into the haywire, sure to prepare us for Uranus crossing this ‘dandelion cusp’ zero Gemini in 2025, a ‘here’s your hat, what’s your hurry’ kind-of-thing.

Literally, Mars-Chiron is the wound of the masculine; trigger-point of the destructive masculine of everybody and every/anything else. Without a clue as to its own despair and sucked into sick sub-cultures, with minimal social care and active development of the masculine, Chiron-Mars,  ‘the anti-hero’, templates us to become heroes in our lives.

Mars wants to live from his heart and be effective with his hands in his life. Wherever He is unable to stand up and protect his Sun/King and Self, or wherever he feels powerless to change the dominant way-of-things, He blames others and He suffers and self-medicates his pain; perhaps killing it as Iceman or brewing it as aggressor. Hurting the ones we love the most is a soul-thing, chironic and it happens in families, this depth of soul work we are tasked with.

Chiron wants the pain to be purposeful. He wants it offered up on an altar; to be surrendered, released and healed. The gift is Promethean freedom, whereby inner genius reveals as the earthbody grows steady enough to hold the light-of-you, the soul-of-you, like a conscious divine essence infused from the gods into our earthly, material, real-life living, as people with best outcome possible as mission; with Soul purpose!

Mars-Chiron is about discovering and honouring one’s unique warrior energy. SA’s heliacal rising star or daimon star, according the People’s Chart of 10MAY94 is Hamal, Alpha Aries, who likes to go his own way. We know the depths to which the destructive masculine can creep. We will never forget Khwezi. Our country knows the wounded masculine well, with highest global GBV and general social-fallout statistics and many systems on the verge of collapse eg Ethikweni’s sewage, SA’s precious freshwater, emissions indifference, soft skills void…..

Anger gets suppressed when we are powerless to demonstrate who we are, get work and get on with it and yet, due the nature of the SA story there is genuine fear of confrontation. Inter-generational trauma persists, as if genetically encoded like FAS (Foetal Alcohol SYndrome), keeping a burden of angry feelings from past situations burning inside. Negativity escalates when we are unable to stand up and express our feelings. Good and obedient in a sick system, we dumb-down and disown until we act out with some easy target totally separate from the actual source of conflict.

What an opportunity to be soft in the life-changing George tragedy recently. So much humanity shines down blessing this Mars-Chiron pain-point beneath the hot airs wired on commissions and election profiteering. (Transiting Chiron was transiting SA’s Mars.) The yin of us is growing ever-more soulful and beautiful in this tragedy-of-our-making, we observe.


Mars-Chiron makes us sick when the inner dialogue turns against self and one becomes one’s inner tormentor and abuser. Muscles harden without flow (water’s feeling) and weaken without air (heart-mind expression) and we attack self; like an auto-immune disease we destroy our own ecosystem. We self-destruct.

Or we heal. Mars-Chiron initiates a healing pilgrimage with the conjunction on election day, forcing a choice to either carry-on or stop and heal-all. Chiron as creative healer-teacher, knows the wisdom of our southern experience and healing ways. We have a special place in his heart, because we are capable of so much better when we can work together. Chiron knows we stand for all the other black sheep in the world, but in the aftermath of the revolution-turned-against-itself and fat-on-the-famine-of-the-youth, Chiron wants us to focuss on our inner toxicity, unconscious hate and aggression and ongoing violence and self-defeat.

Peace is a practice. Mars wants to train with Chiron. Whatever worldly events spin Chiron as key, opens the door to soul. In our bones, we South Africans are devotional from across faith lines. We share the same southern cross altar. We accept that to know peace truly, we honour the longest path of suffering we have walked to make this request, this grace. 

May our warriors be bold and brave and make ready for the true battle of Sacred Heart.

Natasha, Knysna, 18MAY24 

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