Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers

Chiron wants a Word

Today is frustrating with Mars-Saturn hating control, but requiring right action. Exact tonight 22h22 @14PISCES40’, while big fat Jupiter Moon sits midpoint with Uranus, so good-heartedness is sure to prevail, inshallah.

There are just too many delicates and delicacies now; clear skies and Eid Mubarak we wish our friends-of-faith.

On THE eclipse’s new moon, not only did Moon conjunct wounded healer, Chiron, but so too did Sun; a truly unique moment for us Southers who receive healing rays from the Southern Cross, cared for by Centaurus, a big part of Chiron’s healing journey. Healing the Lights; both solar and lunar self, by being shown where one’s true essence and extra-sensory have been suffering, has begun. For some you can see how their world has been totally destroyed and feel the deep pain of so much unnecessary killing in the world we share together now more than ever.

New Moon, eclipse-ignition Chiron touches THE UPCOMING 21APRIL change-agent Uranus-Jupiter moment deeply; with a conjunction to Mercury retrograde @19ARIES48’ 15APRIL, then Venus-NorthNode @15ARIES34’ 17APRIL, Venus-Mercury retrograde @17ARIES32’ 19APRIL and Venus-Chiron @20ARIES09’ 21APRIL….all before Buddha’s full Moon 24APRIL24.

We are shown in our thinking, connecting, feeling and being the precise acupuncture maps needed.

Mercury makes clear your medicine 7MAY when he returns to speak with Chiron @21ARIES02’, while Mercury-Venus only get together again 17JUNE @zeroCANCER20’ (with moon at the degree of this upcoming Full Moon + lunar eclipse @4SCORPIO17’.)

Mars will be moving into rulership in Aries 30APRIL and will get to Chiron on voting day in SA @22ARIES09’ 29MAY24, where the current Mercury retrograde alchemy pivots. So yes, an ALERT for wounded warriors x ing and creating chaos to be heard.

May these astronotes give clarity and confidence for your sky viewing and inner skies, 

Natasha, COSAPA, 10April24

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