Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers


by Sue Goutier 28 Feb 2024

I wake up feeling a bit off physically. I know that from a whole sign perspective, Saturn is transiting my 1st house. My body feels tired. I go outside and lean into my favourite tree, subconsciously seeking the energy I need to get through the day. I feel the inevitable stirring of my heart as I run my fingers over the indelible roughness of her trunk. As I breathe in her earthy scent, I sense a blending of consciousness, this beautiful sacred tree, selflessly offering herself as a soothing conduit of mother earth’s sublime, gentle energy. Almost immediately I feel a deep release as I surrender into her sacred space. Out of nowhere, I am reminded of the Saturn transit I am currently experiencing. Unbeknownst to me, Saturn is rising at the time. Pictures begin to form in my mind. Form. Interesting choice of words. Saturn is after allall that is form; tangible, structured, concrete, stable and solid. Without Saturn we can’t create things of substance, a house, a business, a baby, an artwork, a long-term relationship. A weakly placed natal Saturn makes it challenging for us to find resilience, patience and endurance to follow through on our goals and push through difficulties. A challenged Saturn could render one ruthless, over-authoritative, cold and calculating. Conversely, a strongly placed Saturn adds a healthy level of cardinal authority, gravitas and leadership, providing one with the sure and steady grit that enables the bringing into manifestation of large scale events and successful businesses. A strong Saturn will also reinforce a heightened level of discernment, patience and a strong work ethic. Saturn assists us with the most basic fundamentals, such as getting on with the practical business of life, building bodily strength and self discipline.

If working in harmony with Saturn can produce good results, why is it that transits from this planet can frequently feel demanding, punishing and heavy? The answer lies in Saturn’s knack of showing us where we have tipped the scale too far off centre. We feel Saturn transits more severely when we have pushed healthy limits or have not been taking care of ourselves. It highlights where we are being irresponsible and intensifies the negative side effects that result from destructive habits. Saturn can be that careless kick of a toe, breaking of a leg, seizing up and stiffening of the joints, exhaustion or illness that present from lack of mindfulness, overwork, or poor eating habits. Saturn shows us where we are being too rigid, either concerning ourselves or others. There are times that it reminds us that our homes or bank accounts require an elevation of security. If in poor condition, Saturn, being significator of one’s father can point to dysfunctional paternal relationships and how this may have affected our emotional conditioning. The possibilities are endless. And of course, with Saturn being known as ‘Father of Time’, a transit from this malefic planet can bring about death, decay, aging and endings.

I have grown to respect Saturn. Being a Pisces rising with my natal Saturn quietly hidden in the 12th house, it has taken me years to get my flaky feet firmly on the ground. Fortunately the sextile from Aquarian Saturn to my Sun in my natal chart has allowed for this to eventually come into effect with maturity, bringing about a somewhat delayed clarity of purpose and a very belated sense of rootedness. One of the most helpful contributions in my understanding of Saturn was through the inspiration I received from the book “Astrology and Spiritual Awakening” by Greg Bogart. He suggests that from a meditative space and a place of serenity to ask, and I quote: “What is the secret purpose of this planetary placement, this aspect, this transit or progression? What does the universe intend from this: What I am I supposed to learn?” He goes on to elaborate, saying “Visualize an outcome that feels in alignment with the planetary symbols, and that resonates in your being as the highest potential outcome of the process. At the end, write down some of your thoughts in a journal.” In his book, “Astrology and Meditation, he cites; “The ability to transform our suffering through reflection on planetary symbols is the heart of astrological alchemy.”

The point I make is that it is self-empowering to create that space and connect with the planets which are aspecting sensitive points in our natal charts, and to do so with an open, serene and questioning mind in the process. Working proactively in such a way with Saturn could bring about an exceptionally productive period if you are open to doing this while taking full responsibility for every facet of your life. This process can be adapted to deal with any of the transiting planets, whether they are benefic or malefic, fast or slow moving.

Saturn in the houses and some relevant questions to contemplate: Look at your transits from a broad view taking note not only of the house Saturn is transiting in your chart and any aspects it is making to your natal chart, but also of where your natal Saturn is positioned, which house/s it rules, the sign it is in, aspects involved and overall condition thereof to obtain a better understanding of what it might mean for you. This technique is suggested by Bernadette Brady in her exceptional book “The Eagle and the Lark”. Also note in which house the Saturn transit would be occurring if you were to look at your natal chart using both Whole Sign and Placidus houses. In addition, check in which house transiting Saturn will next retrograde, as this will give you an idea of what part of your life requires a deeper look into a situation that has not reached full completion, or circumstances that may need further time, refining or introspection during these transits where aspects occur for a second and even third time due to the retrograde movements.

Here are some pertinent questions that the reader might find of interest according to the house that is being transited by Saturn:

1st House: What can you do to strengthen your body, identity and how you are perceived by others? Are there any physical ailments that require your attention? Where can you take more responsibility for your general health, vitality, body fitness and the way in which you present yourself to others? Do you have any limiting fears around your body and self image? Are your basic physical needs being met? Do you get enough sleep? Do you feel ready to claim more authority over your life or to work through any blocks standing in the way of this?

2nd House: Do you need to take steps to improve your financial status? How might you build up or improve your support system, both financially and emotionally? Is it time to invest in a long-term venture? What values have become dated, old or stagnant and are no longer working for you? What do you truly value in life and are you giving this enough leverage? Are your values supportive of your personal growth? Is your self-image strong? Are there any self-limiting beliefs standing in the way of your self-worth? Are you stuck in a place where all your personal emphasis is on material things?

3rd House: How can you improve your personal skills, communication, and/or tools of technology that help you keep fluent engagement with the outside world? Is your current mode of transport efficient? Does it need repair or replacement? Where can you improve and take more responsibility in the relationships you have with your siblings and neighbours? If your neighbour or sibling is creating difficulty during this transit, what can you do to a better relationship with them and how might you need to take some responsibility for the situation having occurred in the first place?

4th house: Do you feel ready to purchase a new home, do renovations or attend to domestic matters? What memories are being stirred up that may be generational? Are you carrying any family trauma that is not even yours that is keeping you stuck in the past? Would it serve you better to receive therapy at this time in dealing with past issues? Where can you take more responsibility for your family, improve these relationships or draw boundaries where they need to be drawn?

5th house: What stands between you and the ability to love others with an open heart? What passion would you like to explore right now? How might you be inhibiting yourself in any way from being creative? What can you create that would make solid your greatest passion in this life? Are you ready to start a family? How can you better provide sustainable support for your children during this time and for their future?

6th House What discipline can you bring into your daily routine that will improve your emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing? Are you paying attention to your general health? Is your diet building you up or breaking you down? Does it need refinement or restriction? Will you benefit from periodic fasting, or a change of diet or removal of unsupportive foods at this time? Do any of your animals need medical attention? What boundaries do you need to put into place around those you employ and/or the services you receive? What daily rituals or disciplines can you include in your daily routine to enhance your life? Where would you like to be more of service to others? What needs to be repaired or replaced so that your daily life becomes more efficient and structured?

7th house: Where might you benefit from drawing stronger boundaries in your relationships with others? What relationships have become stagnant and need terminating? How can you improve your relationships and take more responsibility for the current dynamics within these associations? Where are you pointing fingers at others and/or playing the victim? Are you ready to either terminate or fully commit long term to a relationship?

8th house: What deep psychological processes need healing? What fears may be sitting deep in your psyche that you have been avoiding? Is there a part of yourself you would like to completely transform and what do you need to do to make that happen? Do you need to restructure or set boundaries around shared resources? If shared resources become limited, how can you supplement this to take to make yourself feel more secure financially? How might it benefit you to become less needy and more independent, both financially and otherwise, and what procedures do you need to put into place to make this happen? Where do you feel powerless or vulnerable within relationships? Where are you limiting your capacity for intimacy within relationships? What unforeseen circumstances have arisen that need a sound and analytical approach?

9th house: Would you like to commit to furthering your knowledge and/or qualifications? Are you feeling the urge to travel to ancient cities, historical or archaeological sites? Are you questioning beliefs around spirituality and/or religion? Are you feeling either restricted or dominated by your beliefs? Are you willing to explore a different viewpoint? Are you feeling the need to review your purpose in life?

10th house: Where can you claim more authority at work and out in the world? Are you ready to take on more responsibility professionally? Is there someone at work who is challenging you and what do you need to do to bring balance into that situation? If this is true for you how might you have allowed yourself to be a victim in this situation? Are you perpetuating a cycle of being dominated in the work environment and if so, what do you need to do to re-establish your boundaries? Are you feeling the urge to either start a new business or end a career?

11th house: Which of your friendships have become stale and need to be brought to an end? How can you take more responsibility towards issues regarding community or the collective? How can you co-operate to make group activities that you might be involved in flow more easily? Where might you be resistant where teamwork is required? Is there a contribution you would like to make on any welfare or societal level? Are you an open channel of allowing yourself to be loved, or are you standing in the way of receiving love from others? Are any of your friends in need of emotional, physical or financial assistance at this time?

12th house: What addictions would you like to alleviate for once and for all? What fears, phobias or shame lie deep within your psyche that might surreptitiously be holding you back from feeling truly fulfilled? Are you being forced to, or do you feel the need to withdraw into a place of solitude and introspection? Are you finding a desire to meditate more? Is the need arising to serve or make a selfless sacrifice for a higher purpose? Does it feel like your ego is being squashed, and if so, how might you be able to rise above the need to be seen and heard and this time? How might you find deep satisfaction by serving for the greater good without attachment to the outcome or expecting any compensation for this?

It would be wonderful if you too could share where Saturn is currently transiting in your house, and how that might be playing out for you.

Copyright to Sue Goutier


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