Community of Southern African Professional Astrologers



The Distant Planets

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Ceres are the minor planets in astrology. Some astronomers consider Ceres and Pluto as ‘dwarf’ planets, as they are so small. While some other astronomers state that Pluto is not even a planet at all. There are some criteria that astronomers have set up to recognize and regulate what should be called a planet. In Western modern astrology, these minor planets have a significant impact in chart readings.


end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it NOW

Irrevocable changes to POWER in the mind of the seagoat, sky Capricorn, guardian of civilization and the degrees of western astrology’s Aquarius, empower changes within our solar selves to better conduct neural electricity and mind power. These earth-world changes set the stage for each one of our personal stories; felt closer to home and most personal via inner-seeker Mercury, as he speaks with both Chiron and Ceres on his current ‘fire therapy’ journey of wounded heroes and earthmother sacrifice.

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